How to get to Pokhara World Peace Pagoda for Sunset...the hard way

By: Flashpacking Duo


Our Journey to the Pokhara World Peace Pagoda for Sunset

After a bum aching 9-hour bus journey from Kathmandu ( travelling isn’t the most comfortable or easiest in Nepal), we arrived in Pokhara. Leaving the tourist bus park and walking towards Lakeside in Pokhara, the main tourist area, we noticed the Peace Pagoda sat atop the hillside overlooking Phewa Tew and Pokhara.

Rowing across Phewa lake to begin our hike
Rowing across Phewa lake to begin our hike
The path leading up through the forest towards the Pagoda
The path leading up through the forest towards the Pagoda
The view from half way up the trail
The World Peace Pagoda (Shanti Stupa)
The World Peace Pagoda (Shanti Stupa)
The sun setting over Pokhara and surrounding valleys
The sun setting over Pokhara and surrounding valleys
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