New York Times names Atacama Desert among the best places to travel worldwide

By: Shelley Seale
Atacama Salt Flats. Photo by Shelley Seale
Atacama Salt Flats. Photo by Shelley Seale

The Atacama Desert was recently reviewed in The New York Times under the headline “New ways to explore the world´s highest desert,” highlighting it as one of the 52 getaways you can´t miss this year 2017. Prepared annually for the travel section of the New York Times, the Atacama Desert was ranked second this year, making it a highly visible and anticipated destination in the world of tourism.

The list, which Canada tops at #1, highlights the Atacama desert and its clear skies. Unique in the entire world, these crystal-clear skies allow easy gazing at the stars—besides providing a great attraction for adventure lovers. Landscapes of dunes sculpted by wind and kaleidoscopic lakes of salt amaze even more from above, in a hot air balloon tour.


The Atacama Desert is one of the destinations attracting the greatest numbers of tourists to Chile. It is considered to be one of the driest deserts on the planet and is one of the largest desert in the world. Providing an authentic natural experience where you can enjoy more than 375 attractions, among them including the Atacama Salt Flat and the El Tatio Geisers.

Atacama Desert. Photo by Shelley Seale
Atacama Desert. Photo by Shelley Seale

From Death Valley you can see the most remarkable parts of the Salt Mountain Range, which has been sighted as a point of interest by not only NASA but the film industry as well. In recent years several movies and television series have been filmed there including the Motorcycle Diaries (2004), based on the travel journals of Che Guevara; and Quantum of Solace (2008), from the James Bond series.

On its list the New York Times also described places such as Agra in India, Botswana in Africa, Dubrovnik in Croacia, Tijuana in México, Detroit, Hamburg in Germany, and Pedregal, found in a mountain valley in the south of Quito, Ecuador.


