Avoid These Common Mistakes on Your Next Road Trip

By: Freelance Contributor
© Marco Bottigelli / Getty Images

Spring break and summer vacation are just around the corner. If you’re planning on adding to your odometer’s mileage count with a good, old-fashioned road trip, show off your blacktop traveling expertise by avoiding these common mistakes.


1. No Entertainment

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While spending hours upon hours staring at the blacktop, you’ll want to stay entertained. Pack your playlists high, have podcasts ready to stream, and bring plenty of games to keep boredom away. Our suggestion: Mad Lib books or a travel version of Apples to Apples. Or, snag a few throwback CDs from your local library. Nothing screams “Road Trip Music” like your favorite N*Sync album from middle school.

2. Nothing to Drink or Eat

Full frame of still water bottles in rows
Getty Images / Copyright Dazeley

There’s not much worse than being trapped in a car, waiting desperately for the next rest stop to appear, wallowing in the fact that you are absolutely, completely parched. Don’t underestimate the amount of water you’ll chug while driving. To keep better hydrated, pack sports drinks and juices.

3. Fast Food Only

Elevated View Of French Fries On Yellow Background
Getty Images / Javier Zayas

If you’re driving through California, stopping by an In-N-Out Burger goes without saying, but don’t let the convenience of fast food dominate the rest of your meals. Eat enough greasy burgers, lounge on a backseat for four hours and your taste buds will crave a big, bland stalk of celery. Before leaving, pack a cooler of healthier options to curb your appetite. Our easy-to-eat and travel suggestions: apples, trail mix, yogurts, and cheese sticks.

If you like exploring local joints while you travel, try casual dining restaurants. You’ll still get fast service with much better ingredients. Heading near Boston? Try Boston Burger Co. Wanna stay in your car in Kentucky? Check out Parkette Drive-In.

4. Death of the Cell Phone

Cell phone charging battery. Observing objects inside my home during quarantine by Covid-19. April, 2020.

In case your cell phone dying isn’t already the worst thing in the world, imagine a dark, dead screen while you’re one hundred miles away from the nearest charging station. Keep a car charger with you at all times. Before you leave for your vacay, double-check you’ve packed it. Then triple-check. Quadruple checks are great too.


5. Traffic Jams

traffic jams in the city, road, rush hour
Jung Getty / Getty Images

Nothing kills a driving trip more than not being able to drive. Keep a list of back roads handy (or MapQuest on your phone) to avoid getting trapped in a pit of congested frustration.

6. Nothing Planned

Getty Images / Nora Sahinun

Being hipsters, your friends decided not to plan anything along the way. “We’ll just wing it and see where the road takes us!” This sounds like a great, spontaneous idea, but the problem is most highways run through areas without attractions. After hours cramped together, when your legs are dying for a stretch, you’ll want a list of places worth a quick visit.

Need ideas? Try the Crayola Experience: Crayola Factory or Wild Bill’s Nostalgia which hosts the world’s largest jack-in-the-box.

7. Unable to Sleep in the Car

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Alan Thornton / Getty Images

Driving is exhausting—think Rip Van Winkle on steroids. Switch drivers often and pack a pillow and blanket to help you snooze in between. As always, staying safe should be a priority so keep buckled in and avoid lying down if you’re going to sleep.

8. Keeping Clean

Pink and White coloured plastic container of Disinfectant wipes against black background.
Getty Images / ngonzagavillarroya©2020

You may not be able to shower often but you can still maintain a squeaky clean scent. Place deodorant nearby, pack a carton of facial cleansing wipes, use dry shampoo and if you aren’t riding barefoot, switch your socks each day… As well as your other undergarments.

9. EVERYTHING Packed in the Trunk

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Want a jacket? A different book? Some lotion or hand sanitizer? Consider keeping a small bag of essentials in the car with you to avoid pulling over and delaying travel.


10. Forgetting a Book or CD

A woman sits on the back seat of her car and smiles whilst she reads a book.
Getty Images / Dougal Waters Photography Ltd

Sure, an audiobook may do nothing but remind you of watching your great aunt Priscilla on her NordicTrack with Danielle Steele blasting in the background, but trust us on this one. If you need a way to make the hours fly by quickly, you’ll find no better catalyst than arguing with your friends over what really happened to “Amazing Amy” in Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl.


