The 10 Best Cities to Use Uber

By: Lindsay MacNevin

Uber is a rapidly growing car sharing system all over the world that is taking cities by storm and seemingly putting taxi services out of business. The question becomes, where is the best place to use Uber and what factors come into play when passengers choose to use this service over a regular cab? Cities that offer low fares, reliable rides and quick pickup are often thought of the best cities to use this service. Combine that with friendly locals, inconsistent weather and the legality that surrounds this company and we have found you the 10 best cities in which you should be using Uber.


10. Nashville

It is a city that has truly embraced this ride sharing program and thus is a perfect city to use Uber. It became the first city to allow passengers to be picked up from the airport legally by an Uber driver. The city of Nashville doesn’t make it easy for residents or visitors to get around by public transportation and that is where Uber has really come in handy. The average ETA for an Uber pick up is just four minutes here and the average fare is under $10. Home of many concerts, festivals and late nights; it seems this city and Uber can work perfectly together.

Joseph Sohm /
Joseph Sohm /
9. Sydney, Australia

If you happen to live in the land down under or you are simply visiting and looking for a cheaper way to get around, Uber is the perfect answer. In just one year Uber drivers gave over a million rides to riders in Sydney and the average wait time for pickup was an incredibly short 4.1 minutes. What’s even better; many Uber drivers in Sydney have supercars that they will pick you up in. The main reason this city is great to use Uber; it is far cheaper than using a traditional cab and much more reliable. There are no Uber ‘horror stories’ floating around the internet about Sydney, instead there is praise for the drivers and vehicles. Plus as a visitor to the city it’s great to use this service as the driver can normally recommend restaurants, clubs and other local interests that tourists may miss out on.

Sydney Harbour Bridge
8. Toronto, Canada

Uber is here to stay says the mayor of this city, which is a great relief to many of the users who are already using this ride sharing service. Using Uber in Toronto is a great way to get around the city as it often seems traditional cabs are few and far between. Uber riders also use this service to get to and from the airport as the public transportation that runs to the major airport is unreliable and inefficient. So far, it is not illegal to call for Uber to pick you up from the airport in this city. Toronto has been at the heart of the Uber controversy for the past year and the time to use it is now; just in case it becomes obsolete. Did we mention that it is also normally cheaper than the average taxi ride and these Canadians are just so darn nice?

7. New York City

Although New York City is one of the most expensive places to use Uber, it is also one of the best; mainly because the amount of users is so high. You can expect five star rated drivers here in New York and vehicles equipped with everything from the latest iPhone charger to vomit bags in the backseats; just in case. Using Uber in NY means shortcuts down side streets, avoiding traffic and paying to ride in a nice, clean car rather than a sometimes dirty taxi. It means talking to the friendly locals who give tips on where to eat, what to do and where it’s safe to be at night. Uber has exploded in this city and it’s easy to understand why. Plus with the wicked weather that often hits the city, it is a great way to keep dry instead of fighting for umbrella space while walking down the sidewalk.

New York City, USA


6. San Francisco

The birthplace of Uber makes this list and it’s really no surprise. San Francisco is the original home of this ride sharing service, which started to give the public a different option than cabs and other public transit. This city has one of the highest numbers of drivers which makes catching a ride both fast and easy. The taxi business in this city has dropped about 65% since Uber came in and fewer and fewer cabs can be seen around the city. Due in part to lower costs for rides by Uber and the caliber of vehicles that are picking passengers up. Uber is so present in this city that you won’t even think about calling a cab. Plus due to strict laws, using Uber ensures that you are the only passenger in the vehicle snagging a ride. Expect nice vehicles with plenty of amenities when you call for a ride in this city.

San Francisco bridge
5. Houston

This city is perhaps one of the safest cities to catch an Uber ride as in recent months it started requiring drivers to obtain special licenses. The long time debate Uber has faced is the lack of laws and rules it set forth. In Houston now drivers are required to go through physical tests, drug tests and have their car inspected. As an Uber rider in Houston you can be sure you are riding in a car less than 7 years old, by a driver who has no criminal history and no drug use and who has been licensed as a driver. Something you will not get in other cities currently. Add in the fact that Uber here is cheap and quick and especially reliable and this is definitely one city that has embraced this ride sharing program and made it easy for both riders and drivers to feel safe.

4. Washington, DC

In a recent study this city was rated the best city to be an Uber driver but it also happens to be a great city to be an Uber rider. Washington, DC comes in at number four on this list for a number of factors. Slashed fares often pop up in this city and it becomes incredibly cheap to use Uber. The government on the other hand hasn’t been so quick to hop on board but all that means for other riders is better availability of drivers. Washington is also one of the only cities with Uber Family; an option that allows families to order a car with a car seat.  They have also recently hooked up with Fuhu and are installing two Nabi kids’ tablets into these family cars. Families love that the kids are both safe and entertained.

Washington DC
3. Boston

There is no shortage of drivers to pick you up in Boston and they are constantly fighting for your business. Which makes using Uber even more convenient. Gone are the days when you had three to four taxi drivers hassling you when you hailed a cab. Now it’s simply a few touches on your phone and you have a clean, reliable car to pick you up. This city also sees its fair share of reducing fairs and many studies have shown that it is significantly cheaper to use Uber here than a taxi. It doesn’t hurt matters that the governor is an avid supporter of this ride sharing program and is doing his best to make it safer for both drivers and passengers. Plus you can find some stellar coupons and discounts to score free rides around this city.

Boston Bay
2. Los Angeles

Using Uber in Los Angeles is easy and cheap, much cheaper than using a taxi, and significantly more efficient than using public transit. Plus there always seems to be a number of choices for drivers that are around you. With the promise that Uber will be allowed to pick up passengers from LAX shortly, there is no reason not to use this ride sharing service in this city. Plus it gets awful hot in the summertime here and with all that shopping you do, you will need someone to carry it all home. This city also offers UberEATS; where you can order in your favorite food from their curated menu. It’s as easy as requesting a ride including the cashless pay system.

Los Angeles


1. Chicago

Chicago has long been the cheapest place in the USA to use Uber, although it is not fully understood why. If you’re planning on using Uber in any city; this would be it. Chicago is also the perfect place to use this ride sharing system because of its weather. Wind and rain often pelt the city and waiting for a city bus or hailing a cab just isn’t fun. Uber drivers come up in a big way by being especially quick and reliable. The local drivers also know their way around town, where to eat dinner and how to get you to your destination as fast as possible. UberEATS also recently launched in this city and is currently offering lunch time service only, with a choice of two options, and promised to be delivered in just 10 minutes.

Andrey Bayda /
Andrey Bayda /


