Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities such as biking, climbing and hiking keep you active during the warmer months. Learn more about snow sports like bobsledding and the Iditarod to keep you moving this winter.

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Imagine falling out of a plane on purpose and heading toward the ground at 120 mph. Welcome to the world of skydiving! The U.S. Parachuting Association estimates that about 350,000 people complete more than 3 million jumps in a typical year.

By Marshall Brain

If you've been on a biking trail in the last few years, you've probably seen all kinds of crazy-looking bikes. Mountain bikes just keep accumulating more gears. Today, some bikes have as many as 27 gear ratios. What do they all do?

By Karim Nice

Imagine soaring like a hawk thousands of feet above the ground. You search for updrafts of air to keep you aloft so that you can enjoy this feeling for hours. Although the air is somewhat chilly, the view is tremendous and the solitude is relaxing.

By Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D.


Advances in SCUBA gear have opened up the underwater world to more people than ever before. With some equipment and a little training, you can explore it all. Find out how SCUBA works.

By Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D.

Think you need to depend on Mother Nature for snow? Think again. With cool temperatures and a good supply of water, snow makers can cover the ground in the fluffy white stuff in no time.

By Tom Harris & Talon Homer

'The bends' is a dangerous condition based on water pressure. Find out how you can get -- and prevent -- the bends.

Lance Armstrong has won yet another Tour de France, breaking the cycling record for consecutive victories in that race. Bicycles are incredibly simple machines, and the "inner" workings are right out in the open for you to see. Find out how all those

By Marshall Brain


Long before GPS satellites and other high-tech navigational aids, people used the Earth's natural magnetism to navigate the unknown. Learn how a compass works and how to create your own!

By Marshall Brain

From the frozen lakes and rivers of Canadian winters to nationally televised games played at high-tech arenas before 20,000 fans ... ice hockey has come a long way. Learn all about the game, the rules and the milestones of hockey.

By Ed Grabianowski

Some climbers wear slippers instead of soled shoes, so they can feel the rock with their feet while they climb. What other gear might you need if you're climbing El Capitan or the community rock wall?

By Marie Willsey

Have you ever wanted to fish for salmon but weren't quite sure where to start? HowStuffWorks has the best salmon techniques that will have you in rivers and lakes in no time -- proving that salmon fishing isn't just for bears and birds.

By Rosalind Jackson


Imagine cross-country skiing for 5 kilometers, then -- with your heart pounding, your legs shaking and your fingers chilled to the bone -- shooting five targets at 50 meters with exactly five shots.

By Ed Grabianowski

Even if you're "roughing it," it's still nice to have a few of the comforts of home in the great outdoors. Here's a list of 10 you should pack.

By Garth Sundem