Trail Guides

If you're looking to get out on a beautiful hiking trail or explore a national park, North America boasts an embarrassment of riches. In this section you can find guides for hiking some of the most popular trails, parks and wilderness areas in the United States and Canada.

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For many people, their knowledge of America's National Scenic Trails begins with the Appalachian and ends with the Pacific Crest. But there are nine other fabulous trails that deserve attention, too.

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

The West Coast Trail in British Columbia is considered one of the world's most scenic trails. But what exactly makes this hike so special?

By Mark Boyer

The original long-distance hiking trail, the Long Trail has been lovingly preserved by the Green Mountain Club for decades. What can you see on this breathtaking but rugged hike?

By Becky Striepe


The John Muir Trail (JMT) in the western U.S. spans three states and three national parks. Its sheer size and beauty makes it one of the most popular hikes in the U.S. What makes it such a great hike?

By Allison Wachtel

Although much of Northern California is relatively flat, there's one point that rises above and can be seen from miles away. Mount Shasta has been a hiker's dream for years -- how do you get to the top?

By Laurie L. Dove

Although Bear Mountain is a popular state park that is part of the Appalachian Trail, the area was once set aside as a prison. Today, the trails offer beautiful views of the Hudson River.

By Jane McGrath

As far as mountain trails go, the Colorado Trail might win the award for most varied -- its terrain ranges from snowy mountains to lush meadows, and hikers of all different kinds of experience will find something suitable.

By Brian Boone


Only about 30 people are said to thru-hike the Continental Divide Trail each year. So what makes it such a challenge?

By Mark Boyer

The Smoky Mountains have a misty, otherworldly quality about them that makes them unforgettable. What better way to enjoy their charms than hiking? Our guide will get you started.

By Gerlinda Grimes

Trailblazing means forging your own path to discovery, but in the wilderness, the word refers to marking your hiking trail for others to follow. Trail markers are like a secret language that hikers use to find their way, but it's pretty easy to learn.

By Allison Wachtel

More people have scaled Everest than thru-hiked the Pacific Crest. That's because this trail is a beast. Do you think you could blaze it?

By Melanie Radzicki McManus


The Palm Springs desert may conjure images of impossibly expensive land and well-kept golf courses, but it also provides beautiful and challenging terrain for the perfect hike just minutes from the cities and suburbs.

By Jacob Clifton

Renowned naturalist John Muir once called the Sierra Nevada Mountains the "range of light," referring to the play of light on the exposed granite of the peaks. What other natural wonders await you on a hiking excursion in eastern California?

By John Kelly

Stunning views from the summit of Black Cap Mountain have long drawn hikers to the eastern New Hampshire's Green Hills, but there's also plenty to be seen along the way to the top.

By Chris Opfer

One of the less-explored mountains in the U.S., the Bitterroots offer challenging hiking and wild whitewater rafting. Are you up for the adventure?

By Colleen Cancio


Whether you're a hardcore mountaineer or just a hiking enthusiast, Wyoming's Buck Mountain has something for you.

By Gerlinda Grimes

The Wichita Mountains of southwestern Oklahoma are known for their peaks, hiking trails and natural beauty. What else would you see during a trip through the Wichita Mountains?

By Ed Grabianowski

Thinking of hiking the Ozarks this summer? You're in for a treat - especially if you like water.

By Becky Striepe