
Travel destinations are the stuff of daydreams and memories. Discover the many options available such as adventure travel, city guides and family vacations.

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According to an 1885 pamphlet, a man named Thomas J. Beale buried a treasure somewhere in Virginia, and left behind what appeared to be coded messages about its location. But was it all just a hoax?

By Patrick J. Kiger

From the beginning, this project was mired in political infighting, lack of funds and construction delays. Sounds familiar? Find out more intriguing facts about the Washington Monument.

By Dave Roos

The taiga biome stretches from Alaska to Mongolia, and it's super-cold. You can totally live here, though not too many people do.

By Stephanie Vermillion


President Lyndon Johnson signed the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act into law in 1968 to protect U.S. rivers for future generations. Here are seven fabulous rivers you should check out.

By Katie Carman

You might be stuck at home under quarantine, but that doesn't mean you can't get your cultural fix, virtually, anyway. Here are nine amazing choices.

By Carrie Dennis

These destinations are definitely for folks drawn to the dark side of life.

By Chris Opfer

The Wichita Mountains of southwestern Oklahoma are known for their peaks, hiking trails and natural beauty. What else would you see during a trip through the Wichita Mountains?

By Ed Grabianowski


National parks are for everyone, and though nudity isn't technically prohibited, please don't scare the bears.

By Jesslyn Shields

Ambling along Oahu's tropical and rustic North Shore, the sun-drenched Kamehameha Highway provides a taste of the Hawaii that once was, as well as easy access to some of the world's top surfing beaches. Learn more about some of the highlights of this

By Clark Norton

The Illinois section of the Great River Road gives an overview of the complete timeline of American history while highlighting the beauty and wonder of the Mississippi River. Learn more about this scenic byway.

Nevada's Las Vegas Strip -- the most glittering, neon-lit drive in America -- explodes with visual delights as it leads past exotic and lavish casino resorts. Learn about all the must-see spots along this drive.


The world's famous landmarks inspire wonder -- from lost cities to elegant houses of worship. Explore some of the world's greatest landmarks.

By Jerry Camarillo Dunn, Jr

What's not to love about your local park? It's where you have picnics and play ball. When your park starts showing signs of too much love -- chipped paint, crushed flower beds and more -- what can you do to spruce it up?

By Jessica Willis

Public parks are excellent places to spend time with your family. With so many possible activities available in park settings, the only thing lacking may be time to enjoy them all.

By Heather Kolich

Flying takes kids out of their comfort zones and normal routines, so a trip can go from exciting and fun to torturous in a matter of minutes. Parents look for the tiniest advantage when booking flights. When's a better time to take to the skies -- morning or evening?

By Jessica Brown


Vacation can mean spending a week -- an entire week! -- having the best time with your best bud. Sometimes, however, the novelty wears off. What do you need to keep in mind when sending out vacation invitations to your inner circle?

By Tom Scheve

Each year millions of people visit Austin -- for Texas Longhorns football games musical events business or fun. Discover the live music art great cuisine and other things that attract so many visitors to Austin.

By Amy Lemen

Love 'em or hate 'em, you will inevitably have to spend time with your spouse's parents during a few holidays or special events throughout the year. But what about vacations? Are they an in-law do or an in-law don't?

By Jessica Willis

They say gondoliers have always known Venice's juiciest secrets, since scandalous love affairs have so often ignited aboard their boats. What makes gondolas so romantic?

By Garth Sundem


When you hit the beach this summer, don't forget to bring good beach etiquette.

By Michelle Konstantinovsky

Long-haul flights are the worst. If you’re on a 10-hour flight, cramped up with legroom that even a dog couldn’t fit in, food that is only fit for a prison cafeteria, in seats that I can only imagine is filled with more germs than a toilet, you’re in for one hell of a ride (literally).

By Shelley Seale

America is loaded with beautiful college and university campuses that not only drive students to attend these schools but visitors from all over the world.

By Lindsay MacNevin

Hiking in Northwest Ontario is rewarding and as challenging or easy as you want it to be. Visitors to North of Superior and Thunder Bay are consistently charmed by the views of nature and spectacular scenery around almost every corner of abundant regional trails.

By Susie Stauffer


With a long history as an industrial manufacturing hub, the U.S. Midwest also is home to some of the nation’s finest hotels. But just as the fortunes of the region’s business barons have risen and fallen over the decades, so have many of its longest-standing hotels.

By Jeff Waddle

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization is well known for its designations of World Heritage Sites. For the music and travel lovers it also has a Cities of Music list that is completely fascinating and full of surprises.

By Bruce Yaccato