
Travel destinations are the stuff of daydreams and memories. Discover the many options available such as adventure travel, city guides and family vacations.

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A homestay can be an incredibly rewarding experience both for the homeowners and visitors. Typically, students use homestays as safe, affordable accommodations when traveling on a tight budget.

By Susie Stauffer

Imagine drifting off to sleep while a shark silently stalks above you, or a school of colorful fish dart in and out of coral, all while you are safely tucked into your warm sleeping bag, next to your kids, or a loved one.

By Lindsay MacNevin

You might be wondering why you would ever want to visit some of the smallest countries in the world, other than to just get that passport stamp and bragging rights. But the fact of the matter is what these small countries lack in size they make up for in amazing things to see and do.

By Lindsay MacNevin


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) describe a World Heritage Site as a place (such as a forest, mountain, lake, island, desert, monument, building, complex, or city) of special cultural or physical significance.

By Andrew Chapados

When planning a family vacation Brazil might not be at the top of your list of options. Between lively scantily clad bathing suit beaches and the issue of safety; this country is often overlooked when traveling with kids. In all actuality, Brazil is a perfect place to take the kids on vacation.

By Lindsay MacNevin

Traveling to various countries always offers the best memories. With a plethora of countries to choose from, narrowing the list down can be difficult. As you read this article, you’ll learn the top ten countries to visit this fall. 1. Poland Poland offers a wide array of sightseeing, architecture, mountains, and shopping.

By Stuart Smith

The family vacation is another one of America’s favorite pastimes. Every year, millions of citizens pack their bags and head out in search of fun and relaxation. Popular cities, such as Los Angeles, New York, and Orlando, become flooded with tourists. However, the struggling economy has caused many people to think outside the box.

By Angela Ayles


With the entire world to choose from, buying a vacation property can be an intimidating prospect. Let’s take a look at some of today’s best options for your home-away-from-home. 1. Argentina With beautiful landscapes, a fast-growing wine region, and famously great food, Argentina is a great place to spend a vacation.

By Angela Ayles

The average mall may simply be a place to do some shopping, grab a snack and catch a movie, but the malls on this list are anything but average. Each one offers a spectacular selection of shopping, entertainment and dining options.

By Angela Ayles

Rome is all about the savoring the sights, the sounds, the people, the culture, the architecture, and of course, the food! But sadly, because of so many tourists, many dangers can strike when you least expect it to sour your trip.

By James Stafford

Canada has some of the most beautiful roadways in the world. Grab your car keys, rent an RV or hop on a motorcycle to explore the beautiful scenery of the Canadian wilderness, the cities, and the coastline. Here are the top ten scenic road trips in Canada. 1.

By Angela Ayles


China is an enormous country that boasts some of the world’s most densely populated cities, unique tribal subcultures, and breathtaking landforms. The following places have been chosen for their popularity and ability to inspire their visitors. 1.

By Stuart Smith

Water parks have been popular destinations for young and old alike for many years, but several such parks across the globe have recently taken water park entertainment to the next level with cutting-edge technology and adventure attractions that are changing the landscape of water parks as we know them.

By Stuart Smith

Discover diverse attractions & activities! Explore Harrisburg, PA's best things to do. Museums, parks, events & more await.

By MapQuest Travel

Explore vibrant Oakland! Discover top things to do in Oakland, CA. Museums, parks, dining, and entertainment options await.

By MapQuest Travel


Thinking of hiking the Ozarks this summer? You're in for a treat – especially if you like water.

By Becky Striepe

Nobody flies more than pilots, so who better to give us tips on packing?

By Allison Troutner